Requiem for Cybersyster

This is Cybersysters other half (she was certainly the better half). The site hasn’t been updated since plans were being made for the fall trip in 2017. We did complete that trip and learned at the time that plans were being made for a wedding in Debrad for the following August. So, we again made plans and visited the relatives in Debrad in August 2018 to attend the wedding. At some point I plan to come back and fill in the details.

Unfortunately, a month after returning back home Cybersyster came down with pnuemonia as a result of a weakened immune system due to her long fight with breast cancer. She put up one hell of a fight but in the end she lost the battle on November 24, 2018.

I her memory, please consider supporting the breast cancer foundation of your choice. She left us far too soon but memories of her will last forever……


About cybersyster

I am Catholic, Hungarian, and conservative. I'm a wife, a mother, a sister, and a cousin. My parents are long gone; so, I suppose I truly cannot say that I'm a dughter, can I?
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